No doubt the exact conditions
Giampalo would call pure crap. Yeah, it was intense. I didn't get down to Lewes until around 3pm, meeting my friend Sam at the science station in Cape Henlopen. I was looking forward to sailing here with him, a new venue for me on a NNW. My default always being the secret spot on NW. Well the report was conditions had changed, so we opted to head back to the main beach. Its was on-side-on there, and easily blowing 40+ with much higher gusts. To make matters worse, I didn't have the right gear with me, so I put up a 4.0 lip wave and the RRD 90 twin fin ltd. Way too much board for the conditions. And the 4.0 was about a square meter too much! I'd left my 3.5 in the store, so i was way over powered. Let me tell you it was super fun, and super intense. Fortunately we where approaching low tide, so the shore break wasn't a problem at all. The outside was another story. Not psycho chop, psycho mountains! I'm talking head high oscillating ramps that pitched vertical at unexpected times, and it seems just as a wild gust would hit, and i was already sailing sheeted out the entire time! So much fun, and I was in damage control mode the entire tine I , trying not to break stuff.. soo tempting to blast a super high aerial. But I was simply way to overpowered.....Never the less, it was the heaviest wind of the year so far for me, and a fun tune up for whats to come. Would have been absolutely epic if I'd had the right gear with me
When I pulled into the lot, I was greeted with blowing sand...Nice...Side on Insanity
This the only picture of the conditions