Saturday, December 26, 2009

Mast High At Assateague

The day after Christmas brought gale warnings and 9-13 foot seas at 9 seconds. Finally something manageable. Janis and I pulled onto the beach at 9.30am, dead lo tide.

Much to my chagrin, the wind, forecasted to be SSE, was more like EEE, dead onshore. The shore break today was tough, not so much because of its size, which was big, but due to the fact that the wind was dead on shore, and as soon as you stepped on the board, you immdediately had to pinch upwind to get outside of the shorepound.

I was denied 3 times before finally making it out.

Once I got out beyond the shorepound, I was able take a look around at the maganificent ocean, which was tossing huge mast high bombers at me, and the detonated on the sandbar, the entire lounge, from the sandbar to the shore break, was smooth white foam. Beautiful!

I was able to make some back side turns, letting the crumbling white water smack my backside.

Fun stuff, but a bit dissapointing in light of what I expected. Intense, not for the faint hearted, but still fun and I learned a lot.

If the wind hadn't been on shore, they wouldn't have been closing out, and it would have been epic

I went without gloves today. Air temps in the mid 50s. Water temps in the 50s as well, so it was no problem. There is still plenty of wave sailing to be had this year. And you know what, next week this time, we'll beable to say that next month os February. What I'm trying to say is, we are slowly crossing off the weeks and we are well on our way to spring. The glass is half full and I'm loving life here on the Delmarva.

Well, I still have that gaping hole in my board quiver. Haven't yet replaced that 91 ltr I broke, so I rode the 109 ltr RRD fsw and rigged a 5.0. I love that board and I'm never dissapointed when she gets wet, even though I had about 20 ltrs too much cork. I'll let you in on a little secret, I'll soon be riding twin fins, and I'm superstoked about that! RRD has been making twinsers longer than any other board line out there and I can't wait to get one under my feet.

I launched about 3 miles south of the paved lot, and sailed back n forth for about and hour and half, winding up the sesh with a final downwinder to the paved lot, not like there is any grass there right now however, as its been so windy, the over wash has covered everything with sand. But it was nice take the suit off under shelter.

Ok, powerful front coming thru this week. Lewes will be firing again..Then there is the New Years Eve event at the Zamboni Cave. Looking forward...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

looks huge!