session two: Lewes, Main Beach
All photography by Janis Markopoulos
Chalk up another day of great sailing here on the Delmarva. That makes four consecutive days on the water..Unprecedented! Sunday I was blessed with a two venue day.
The first session was at Tower Road. I hit the water around 2pm. Conditions where well powered 5.8 on the 91 ltr.
The session began under and overcast low cloud ceiling, and intermittent snow showers.
It had been a while since I’d sailed in the snow and sleet, and you sometimes have to squint when the snow/sleet gets in your eyes.
There was one kiter out there, who I think was Mike Littlejohn, manager of the East Of Maui surf shop here in Dewey.
Conditions were probably better for him. For me, the precipitation wreaked havoc with the wind. But it’s all good. Any day of sailing…….
Very holey, and not really what I was hoping for considering a gale warning was posted.
Good tack
Bad Tack
Still, it was great to get out, and toward the end of the session, the front passed over, and the sun came out.
So I was content, thought the day was over, right?
So around 4pm, I unrigged, and as Janis drove the van, I undressed in the back of the van. By the time we hit Lewes (about 3 miles north of Dewey), the wind had come up!
So here is the approximate content of Janis’ comments to me as I’m in back with a towel wrapped around me, “put your suit on, we’re going to Lewes and I want to see a loop, As she cut across two lanes of Rt. 1 to make a quick right turn onto Route 9 – “I’m sick of this tower road crap, it’s boring, and I want some action”. I could hear Stuart somewhere saying, "baffing sucks, AMEN"!
We pulled into the main beach at Lewes, we found the wind building!
So painful as it was, I put that cold and wet suit back on. Time for some action, right?!?! A lightening re-rig and I was on the water by 5:15 p.m. and had just an awesome session!!
As I carried my stuff out the water, I could here her saying get your ass out there, and don’t come back until you throw one.
Click on photo to enlarge
Another nice sequence:
I gotta say I have the most amazing and supportive wife. She is always pushing me to break thru to new levels in my sailing, going over with me the control motions of the forward loop. We’ll be driving down the road, on the way to work, and completely outta the blue, she'll paint a scenario on the water, "So you spot a ramp down wind of you....." and she has me to go thru the move. You know, reach back with the back hand, bear off the wind in flight, etc……We actually discuss the move, the technical aspects. And she corrects ME when I explain the move incorrectlt. She does not accept at all when I’m complacent.
She's always telling me, “honey-I’m sick and tired of this baby pool stuff, its boring for the photographer, I want some jumping, looping action”. And who else but my wife comes to a windy, cold, snowy, beach to take pictures. I don’t know of anyone else’s wife who is as supportive. She awesome!
At this point, it was 5 pm, and the sun was very low in sky.
The wind was outta the west at this point, and that is a little bit offshore, so I choose the floatier board, my RRD. I would later regret not riding the 91, but its all good. The 5.0 was perfect. Ahhhhhh windsurfing is so much fun. Heres to seeing you out there on windy breach.
OMG that loop felt soooo good. I didn't sail away, but is was a good rotation. Very good.
I’ll be the first to admit that for me. the mental barrier is still high on that first commit of the day, but as soon as I rotate that first one, the VERY first thing I note is how simple they are! Honest to God they are painless.
That being said, they have to be the most counter intuitive thing in life, and I can't come up with one single example, from some other endeavor, that is analogous.
Amazing contrast to go from baffing at Tower to litski and ballistic floaty airs at Lewes! I was stoked!
So by 5.30pm I was lit, and wishing I had used the JP 91.
I was hitting nice floaty jumps, and big splash downs.
By 6.15, the sun was way down over the horizon, and as difficult as it was to call it quits, prudence dictated I call it a day.
It was kinda cool, as I was coming in, I could the camera flash going off as she was taking pics.
I had to sail down to the eastern end of the parking lot. That off shore wind prevented me from sailing back to where I launched from. No worries, Janis just drove the van over to that side, and found me grinning ear to ear, and she was grinning too cuz She had got the shot, albeit a smidge early in the rotation.
Andy, Bill, Keith, Stuart, You guys inspire me, and I can’t wait to come down and sail with you guys this spring!
February has simply kicked ass. The best February I’ve ever had here on the east coast. Hey, spring is just a few weeks away!
Hi George, was just checking out Lewes on Google Maps, looks like a great spot, have you ever sailed right across the bay to Cape May? Looksl ike you are truelly blessed with a wide variety of sailing conditions....
Still a bed available for you and Janis in Maui in June, c'mon, I know you want it!
Three Cheers for Janice!!
Hip Hip, Hooray!
Hip Hip, Hooray!
Hip Hip, Hooraaaaay!!!!
You are one lucky fella, George! Good to see ya hucking some airs! Nice work out there.
Dave-I suppose the more daring could try sailing across to Cape May. Its a long distance thats for sure. The ferry run takes about 60-75 minutes I think. I long ago stopped those runs where we sail over the horizon, the risk aint worth the reward. As for Maui, yeahhhh you make that sound sooo enticing. Not sure if we can swing early June, Kids are still in school.
Andy, nothing like big floaty air, and I got the feeling for rotating back! Lewes is perfect for loops.
I'm still not too comfortable doing them at Tower road.
Your wife has raised the bar for windsurfing spouses everywhere! Are you sure she's real?
I luv ya dad
Love you too sweetheart
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